
Your Opinion Matters

The Office of Financial Aid at the University of Arkansas strives to provide excellent service. You can provide feedback by completing a customer service survey as well as nominating an Office of Financial Aid representative for The Golden Tusk. Your feedback helps us help you best, and we thank you for your time.

Customer Service Survey

Please take a moment to complete our Customer Service Survey about your most recent experience with our office. All responses are voluntary and anonymous; however, there is a section where you can provide your personal information for us to better understand your experience or to follow up with you if you so choose. The survey typically takes less than 5 minutes.

The Golden Tusk

The Golden Tusk is a staff recognition program at the University of Arkansas hosted by the Division of Student Affairs. A Golden Tusk nomination is an easy way for people to recognize deserving staff. This "rec-HOG-nition” program was designed to allow people a chance to extend a ‘thank you’ for a job well done.

To nominate a financial aid representative, simply visit the Sharepoint website, log in with your email ID and password, and follow the instructions. 

Customer Service Survey

The Golden Tusk